
In what now feels like a previous life, I was a photographer for the US Navy. Now I’m a mom, rediscovering how much I love photography.  I decided to use this blog to chronicle my progress as I find inspiration, knowledge and time to produce and share creative photography.



12 thoughts on “About”

  1. Daily photography is such a good discipie that trains the eye and raises the contact with your world. It will be great to see how this develops in the coming months. Have fun!

  2. Your images are very well done and interesting to look at, glad to find you! I’m a photographing mom too, so I know how therapeutic shooting can be. Keep it up, I really like your work!

  3. Thanks so much for the follow!

  4. Thanks for taking the time to stop and read some of my “Stuff” and thanks for following. I’ll do my best to make my “stuff” worth your time. I’m also an amateur photographer, buy my pictures are not in your league. I love your pictures! However, from what I’ve seen so far, you like to shoot the same things I do, so I’m following you now and looking forward to seeing more of your pictures. Keep’em coming. Have fun !

  5. I’m sure you got a bunch of cool photos from the navy!!!!!!!!

  6. Thanks for the likes! Peace and keep snapping!!! 😀

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